Fun And Yummy Facts You Probably Don’t Know About Gelato!

Gelato is an Italian frozen treat that is very trendy among many people around the world, from its humble Gelato origins in Italy in 1600 by Italian chef Francesco Procopio Dei Coltelli, who was first to serve this delicious treat at his restaurant Café Procope. No matter how old or glorious the origin of gelato is, it still is one of the most preferred desserts in the western world today.  

Fun And Yummy Facts You Probably Don’t Know About Gelato!

Gelato chefs are astonished if their product is referred to as “Italian ice cream.” Because in fact, it’s not ice cream. It may look like ice cream and taste cold and creamy, but it differs in three key ways:
Firstly, it has less butterfat, and so, dieters can eat Gelato (in moderation, of course) without guilt.
Secondly, it’s thicker because it has no air in it, while a regular ice cream does. Ice cream manufacturers usually add air to double its size. With Gelato, you get to enjoy the full flavor of what you are eating. Its taste is said to be so rich that you can still feel it in your throat.
Thirdly, Gelato is served warmer than ice cream, which also helps the flavor profile and also makes it melt faster. The bottom line, Gelato, is lower in fat and more flavorful than ice cream.

In this article, we will learn every historical fun-facts about Gelato, a couple of trivial pointers, a brief of famous Gelato products around the world, and all the pointers on how it can be considered a better dessert than ice-cream (no offence, ice-cream lovers)!

Visit Gelato Gourmet to know more about the Gelato facts which you are not familiar with.


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